A lot of parents opt for formulas for babies for their young children due to numerous benefits such as flexibility in schedules or convenience however, in the same way they become more conscious of the harmful ingredients in their formulas which include synthetic growth hormones, artificial preservatives, as well as pesticides.
Do you think your child will be content and healthy when they use organic food? Let’s take a look at the top 7 reasons why organic food is essential.
What does “Organic” mean? And How Do I Apply This to Baby Formulas?
You may have noticed that “European Organic” or “U.S. Organic” label on packaging of infant formula products. The organic seal is supported by either the European Commission or USDA.
To include”organic” or “organic” label The formula must have at minimum 70% (European 95 percent) organic and natural ingredients.
According to the definition of baby formula, it is organic if it contains 95 percent of the ingredients, but without
Preservatives, synthesizers or other preservatives
Genetically modified species (GMOs)
Chemical pesticides and fertilizers
Possibly toxic substances
Hormones or steroids
Organic Certifications You’ll Find On the Most Popular Baby Formulas
There are numerous organic ingredients that have earned organic certifications. Let’s take a review of a few
1. USDA Certification from USDA
A lot of American baby formulas have been organically certified by USDA. U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) since these formulas are produced in line with USDA guidelines. This means that organic formulas should contain minimum 70% organic ingredients that have been grown in fertiliser-free synthetic pesticide soil, though not all organic ingredients are required.
2. E.U. Organic Certification
Baby formulas are E.U. organic certified if it contains more than 95 organic ingredients. In contrast to the USDA organic certification and the E.U. Commission has more detailed rules that include more transparency of ingredients. Furthermore, E.U. organic certified products must comply with stricter rules to not employ harmful chemicals. HiPP is a very well-known E.U. organically certified formula.
3. Certification of Demeter (Organic +)
Certain European formula companies have earned additional certifications, making their formulas beneficial to your child. For instance, Holle is the only formula to have achieved Demeter accreditation (beyond organic with the highest standards) with biodynamic agriculture. For Holle Infant Formula, milk certified by Demeter comes from grass-fed cattle on biodynamic self-sustaining farms.
4. Bioland Certification
Another certification that is offered by certain European formulas such as Lebenswert are Bioland certification. The requirements for Bioland certification are higher than those for the E.U. organic. For instance, Lebenswert formulas are Bioland certified as their products originate from a farm that exclusively produces the products. The Bioland standards are more stringent than the ones of E.U. organic, but they are not as stringent as Demeter.
What is an Organic Formula Made Of?
Organic or nonorganic formulas for babies contain the same ingredients which are necessary for your baby. The only distinction are that organic formulations utilize organic ingredients grown naturally and without the use chemical.
Organic formulas, for instance, are made using milk from grass-fed cows. organic formulas are made from the milk of grain-fed cows. Certain organic formulas make use of soy-derived proteins or goat milk to help your child absorb cow’s milk protein, or is lactose intolerant.
Additionally, nutritious ingredients and nutrients are employed to create organic baby food recipes that have a nutritional profile similar to breast milk. Organic nutrients are DHA, ARA, essential fats and vitamin D and E as well as prebiotics, choline probiotics and folic acid. Other organic formulas include minerals and vitamins including iron (this is what moms generally seek in an organic product).
What’s Not Included in An Organic Formula?
After we’ve identified what’s included in an organic recipe, lets have a look at what’s not included in organic formulas.
1. Carrageenan
Carrageenan is a component of seaweed that is used to stabilize infant formulas to make sure that essential ingredients in formula stay mixed and do not end up on the bottom.
Carrageenan is banned in organic formulas due to the fact that the seaweed ingredient is used in greater concentrations (>2500 mg/L) will affect the growth of infants and the ability to digest.
2. Fructose
The majority of American infant formulas contain made with sweeteners added to the formula like high fructose syrup or corn syrup, both of which are included into soft drinks. Organic formulas are not opposed to the use of added sugars. Instead they opt for natural sweeteners, such as lactose.
3. GMOs
Organic infant formulas do not contain ingredients that aren’t genetically modified or engineered, nor are they combined together with GMO ingredients.
4. Synthetic Preservatives
Synthetic preservatives are often added to infant formulas in order to shield the formula from degradation. The synthetic preservatives to look out for are lycopene, lutein, hexane as well as L-carnitine and taurine. Organic products are not contaminated with synthetic preservatives since they’re made using only natural, safe ingredients.
7 Reasons Why You Should Select Organic Formula
Here at Organic Life Start, we are convinced that an organic formulas are the best you can offer your little one to help them grow healthy. This is why you should select an organic formulation
1. Organic Formula is Free Of Growth Hormones, Agricultural Chemicals, And Chemicals.
Do you know why a lot of parents opt for organic baby formulas for their children? It’s because organic formulas contain none of the growth hormones.
Children and infants cannot be tolerant of toxic substances and medications since their digestive systems aren’t fully developed. Non-organic formulas are laced with synthetic growth hormones and pesticide residues. Organic formulas can rest confident that they do not contain synthetic growth hormones.
2. Organic Formula Is Highly Nutritional
The objective for formula feeds is to aid your baby to develop into a strong and healthy child by providing the essential nutrients. Organic formulas have the ideal mix of minerals and vitamins.
3. There are no GMOs (Genetically Modified Organisms)
Are you aware that a large percentage of non-organic formulas have GMOs? Research has proven that GMOs can cause harm to the organs and systems of a baby’s. Fortunately organic baby formulas do not only has synthetic ingredients, and you’ll also discover organic formulas that are free of GMOs.
It’s important to be aware the organic milk is healthier and healthy, and tastes better similar to breast milk. It allows your child to be nourished with every essential nutrient to their developing brain and body.
4. You’ll Never Give Your Baby Unnatural Sugars or Emulsifiers
Formulas for infants that are not organic contain the below harmful Emulsifiers
Similar to emulsifiers, research studies have revealed that the infant’s digestive health and metabolic balance may be affected by generally permitted emulsifiers. The most common emulsifier in organic baby formulas is carrageenan.
Corn syrup and fructose can be typically included in organic infant formulas that are not organic. Would you feel satisfied feeding your baby the formula with a lot of sugars?
Organic formulas won’t find any hidden sugars, emulsifiers as well as harmful preservatives. In Europe organic formulations should contain at least 30 percent of the carbohydrates made up of lactose (a naturally found sugar). This is the principal reason behind why European organic formulations are the most popular.
5. Organic Formula Is Gentle And Complete
Organic Baby Formula is made using ingredients that are similar to breast milk. It is a healthier formula with no artificial sweeteners like processed ones. Organic formulas are simple and gentle on the baby’s digestive system. It’s extremely digestible and offers full nutrition to your tiny one.
6. Organic Formula Supports Better Farming Practices
In addition to ensuring your child’s general health The organic baby formula promotes better farming practices, ensuring your child as well as the environment the chance to live a more sustainable life.
Dairy farms without organic certification are thought of as ecological catastrophes due to their impact on the environment, as a result of the fact that cows are unable to milk due to their practices and are subject to harsh conditions. In contrast to the large-scale nonorganic dairy farms organic baby formulas get the milk they use from small dairy farms operating more ethical practices. This means that organic dairy farms are taking responsibility for the welfare of their animals as well as their surroundings.
7. Organic Formula Is The Healthiest
Organic formulas are healthier for babies. the chance of babies having any health problems is reduced.
The advantages of organic baby formulas will bring you assurance in knowing you’re meeting baby needs for nutrition. The superior quality, yet less ingredients included in organic formulas have been formulated to ensure your baby’s nutrition is optimal.