Animal enthusiasts have a variety of opinions on the use of an electrical collar in the training process and for behavior modification of canines.
A majority of people think that because these collars provide an “shock” it’s cruel; this opinion is often caused by a lack of information about these kinds of training collars.
In actual fact, using methods like the “Tapping” method at extremely small levels for static correcting is much safer and humane then using a choke or pinch collar which require brute force and if not employed correctly could easily harm the dog’s larynx. There are many benefits of using a dog’s training with an electronic collar which we’ll be discussing in this post.
The Benefits of Using an Electronic Collar
Quickly responding to unruly canine behavior is a key to training and enforcing. Even a slight delay could result in the dog not understanding what is expected of them which can cause frustration for both pet and the owner. The owner can have a very rapid reaction to the behavior of their pet at a distance with the use the electronic collar, regardless of whether it’s for positive or negative reinforcement.
Consider the numerous times you’ve required a mad dash to get to your dog in an effort to prevent or stop some sort of behavior. In most cases, by the time you get there, the act has been done, or the pet has learned that you are now playing. These two very common situations are not helping you train your dog.
Even the most skilled animal can become distracted. These devices were invented to get the attention back and focus of the dog.
Herding, working, and hunting dogs are designed to be intelligent and focused; unfortunately, this also means that an owner is often helpless as their canine runs off after their quarry and is so focused on their job that they forget to obey any commands. With a quick reminder using the e-collar, their handler can quickly remind the dog that is overly active.
Another huge benefit is that the physical stimulation of collars can trigger faster responses than any other noise-maker, including vocalization, clicker, clapping or whistling. A dog that is concentrating is experienced to block out the sounds as they look at something that has caught their attention. Dogs, similar to their human counterparts, also tend to lose hearing, the use of a vibration collar is the perfect solution for this circumstance.
The most effective ecollars have many levels of static correction that you can choose from (over 100) An owner will base the amount of correction on the dog’s temperament who is being taught by turning the level to zero and slowly increasing it while “Tapping” to the remote button , and then watching the dog for the smallest of reactions like turning its head towards you or cocking its head to the other side.
The static shock created by the receiver collar is not designed to cause physical injury. When the collar is adjusted to the proper level, the feeling the dog feels is similar to flapping the side of your dog’s neck using your finger to get its attention. A painful pulse. Nothing more.
The best electric shock dog collar UK is available with the option of a tone or vibration only (some have both). If tone or vibration are consistently used before static correction is applied, after only a few static corrections at a low level, dogs respond to vibration or tone only , and not require static corrections except when they are in high-distraction situations.
If you follow the training guidelines Your dog should be able to respond quickly to verbal commands only and you will only need the collar for an occasional refresher course.
The majority of ecollars are “shock” designed; there are some models that offer a blast of citronella, vibration, tone and a extremely high pitch ultrasonic tone instead. However, these types of collars aren’t more effective than traditional shock collars.
E-Collar Training
The handlers who are familiar with the use of ecollars have a strong belief in them.
There are two basic forms of reinforcement that are used for training and in behavior modification in both ways: negative and positive. Most people believe that an electronic collar can be utilized for negative reinforcement like a form of punishment but this isn’t always the case.
Based on the training that is associated with the use of the collar, you may make use of the collar for positive reinforcement, too.
The untrained dog might find it difficult to be adjusted to how to use the collar. The timing and the reinforcement are essential, and the handler has to be sure that the dog understands the verbal commands first and knows what is expected from it.