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Importing POAO into GB

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This includes the food groups listed below:

meat, which includes fresh meat and cuts of minced or minced beef poultry meat, meat preparations rabbit, game meats from farms and wild game meat

Eggs and egg-related products containing eggs

dairy products and products made from milk

honey gelatine and gelatine products

Importing composite products containing animal products must comply with similar guidelines.

The term “composites” refers to:

food items that are made up of processed animal products as well as products that are of plant origin, such as, for instance salami

in which it is the process of processing the initial product is vital for the manufacturing of the final food product

Importing into GB

Anyone involved in importing products from animals into GB must

Notify the BCP at the border (BCP) prior to the arrival or delivery of POAO consignments

provide the necessary documents submit the relevant documentation to the BCP with the authentic health card. The type of certificate required depends on the type of product and country of origin.

Bring the items at BCP BCP for veterinary tests to be carried out

pay all costs associated with inspecting the items and retain the CHED issued at the clearance of the goods, for a year from the destination point for goods to GB

Food supplements that are made for the end-user that contain glucosamine, chondroitin or chitosan, don’t have to be imported via an Border Inspection Post and are not subject to veterinary tests.

It is crucial to notify officials in Great Britain before products of animal origin are imported in EU as well as non-EU nations. Importers and import agents should utilize the online import of animal products, foods, and feed system.

Posts for Border Control

Border Control Posts (BCPs)handle products that are of animal origin and are brought into UK. They must be exhibited at designated BCPs in order for veterinary tests to be performed.

Items that are not able to pass these checks are not allowed to enter the UK and could be destroyed.

For a complete list controls, refer to the retained Commission Decision 2007/275/EC

Importing food test samples that contain POAO

For example, honey, meat, or dairy products. These include honey, meat, and dairy.

If you are planning to import POAO samples and other POAO, you need to determine the amount and quantity permitted and fill out an authorisation form. For more details, please inquire with Animal and Plant Health Agency (APHA)

If APHA gives you an authorization exempting your item or product from being inspected in Border Inspection Posts, then the samples can be brought into GB without the requirement to have a certification. However, they are required to be accompanied by an original authorization form.

If they are intended to be used in taste tests it is essential that they are suitable for consumption by humans, as well as

Not be infected
Be from an approved country
They have been treated with heat
Only employees and customers of trade (i.e. representatives of companies that might buy future items) who are required to be informed that the product has not been subject to import food tests in the Border Control Post on entry into the UK. Authorisations cannot be issued to samples for testing by the general public.

Importers need to be sure that their products are legal and safe before they purchase from producers and then imported into UK So, they might want to test their goods prior to importation.

Public Analysts who are expert scientists, are able to examine whether food products comply with the food safety standards by conducting chemical analyses and/or through the arrangement of microbiological testing even though there isn’t any obligation for importers to perform this.

Additionally, there are numerous other labs in GB and around the world that could perform the tasks that importers might require. The importer may request the report of analysis to be the foundation of the quality control procedures to their vendor.


There are regulations regarding the transportation of goods that are derived from animals from one country to another and also traveling through Great Britain (England, Scotland and Wales) which is commonly referred to as ‘landbridge’ moves. The information on transits is given by DEFRA