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Questions to ask your Burntwood estate agent

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Estate agents are the most popular method to purchase and sell a property. They can take a lot of the stress out of the process. Learn more about the ways estate agents function. There are a few differences between the countries of the UK, so it’s important you know.

What do estate agents do?

Estate agents promote and sell properties, but they also:

handle documents
Be aware of this chain (of the buyers who sell their old home and sellers purchasing their new home)
In contact with your solicitor
Negotiate with sellers and buyers.

Estate agents don’t deal with surveys. You’ll have to find an expert surveyor, however they might be able that allow them to recommend a surveyor you.

How long is it going to take?

There is no timeframe for sale as well as the purchase or sale of a home. Sellers and buyers have their own needs and issues can occur and create delays.

Agents for the sale of properties and fees

If you’re buying a property there should not be charges for estate agents.

If you’re selling your property, you will usually be required to pay between 0.75% and 3.5% of the selling price to your estate agent. Some estate agents online provide a flat rate in exchange for services. It can save you some money, but you’ll still have to pay even if your home isn’t sold.

Look around, and bargain after you’ve identified the estate agency you’d love work with.

Make sure the price includes VAT or you’ll have to add another 20 percent to the price of the charge.

How do you deal with estate agents when purchasing

It is possible to register with many estate agents.

To decide which one is ideal, you should look over the kind of property they offer, their fees (if they are applicable) and consult your people in your circle for suggestions.

Keep on top of the game while you’re house hunting

Keep a record of any conversations you have, including who you spoke to, the date and time.

This keeps you in control and serves as a reminder of what’s been agreed upon and discussed.

Questions to ask

If a home or property is what is appealing to you, don’t be afraid to ask questions.

If you ask the right questions now, it could save you a great deal to pay for in the near future.

Burntwood estate agents have a duty to be honest. So, ask them for more details.

This isn’t the time to be shy. Ask questions, such as:

For how long has this property been listed for?
Are there any planned work to be done on the property?
What will be included in the sale? (White goods? Curtains? Light fittings? Furniture?)

Making an offer

The offer you make should include:

The sale is subject to the contract (STC) subject to contract (STC) – the final sale is only after contracts are exchanged
subject to survey – this permits the costs of any problems or problems to be taken into account after your surveyor has checked the property.

If your offer is accepted, make sure the agent who is selling your property has removed the property off the market and no longer advertising it for viewings.

If you are interested by someone else and considers it, there is the risk of another person making an deal, also known as gazumping.

You should receive a confirmation letter by the agent, confirming your offer. If you don’t get this then make sure to inquire for it.

What is a sealed offer and how do they work?

Offering a bid with sealed bids, in which the price of the offer is kept secret is the norm in Scotland but not so common elsewhere.

Sealed bids are not legally binding.

Outside Scotland sealed offers are generally only asked for when there is competition for an item.

Potential buyers will receive the price as a guideline, and it’s expected their sealed bid will be higher than this.

You are welcome to contact the estate agent for suggestions on how to bid however remember that they are working for the seller, not for you.
Be careful not to round the value you offer. For example, if you think the property is worth PS250,000, you could put in a sealed bid of PS251,500.
Let them know how quickly you’ll be moving.

A time is fixed for bids sealed to be received by the estate agent or seller’s solicitor. They’re typically opened at the same time.

The buyer who wins will be informed that they have won the winning offer.

Selling an estate through an estate agent

Once you’ve decided to sell through an estate agent, choose one to inquire about their track record when it comes to selling properties like yours.

Find out how they plan to market your property online and this is the place many people start their search. Remember, there’ll be some cost involved. Review the listing after it’s online and if there are any details not correct for your house or flat it could put buyers off.

How do you be a complaint about the estate agents

If you are unhappy with the outcome when things go wrong, you are entitled to make a complaint. Speak to your estate agent first, and then raise your concerns and give them the chance to reply.

If you’re unhappy with their response you can contact the property ombudsman who covers the agent you have chosen.

The Property Ombudsman Service (TPOS)
The Property Redress Scheme

Alternative ways to purchase and sell properties

Selling online

There are websites that can help you find an investor, or to sell your property, saving you substantial money.

Only for sale listing services, remember you’re responsible for:

putting up the ‘For Sale’ sign and adding your contact information
taking interior and exterior photographs
discussing price negotiations with potential buyers
showing potential buyers round your home
Organising Energy Performance Certificates (EPCs)
offering details and dimensions of the size of rooms. It also provides information on dimensions and details about the size of rooms.

Costs for online selling vary across websites, so ensure you understand what you’re getting from your dollars. It is possible that you will be charged regardless of whether you decide to sell your home or not.


This is a common (and faster) way to buy or sell homes that need to be renovated or repossessed.

As a buyer, you’ll probably have to pay a 10% deposit with the remainder payable within 28 days. Therefore, you’ll need to have funds ready.

There are other costs to think about, like admission fees for auction catalogues and catalogues commission, solicitors fees, and survey costs.